Google Glass Goes Open Beta: Anyone in the US can get a glass

Google Glass Goes Open Beta: Anyone in the US can get a glass

Google Glass has gone open beta and has opened the door to public. Anyone in the US can now get a Google Glass, provided they can cash out a whooping $1500.

This is not the first time Google is opening the doors to the public. Last time when Google announced an open sale, it was limited to only one day. This time there is no time limit. As long as they have the stock on hand, Google is open to selling Glass to anyone who wants to buy it.

The only downside is if you have been hoping to get the Glass for a much lesser price and if you had been waiting for the same, that has not happened. Even though the Glass is in beta, you still have to pay $1500 to get yours.

And while it was not open to the public (before this announcement), you would had the privilege of at least saying you got the glass before everyone and so you paid $1500. Now it is not surprising that you own a Glass because anyone can get it – and still you will have to pay more than the price you were hoping for (a mainstream version?).

This is still the beta version of the Glass, for serious developers and explorers. The device is still in the explorer edition and that means the hardware and software are still being improved and there could still be bugs.

Google will soon lift the “beta” mode and will sell the commercial product to the public hopefully. But if you like to get your hands on the Glass now, you have nothing stopping you – just pick up $1500 and you will be good to go.

Now that the Glass is open to public (in the US), we can surely see the device more commonly used by people than before.

So if you are ready to spend $1500 and if you are in the US, you can start to see what Glass is all about, or purchase the Glass right away, or go talk to them!

If you have decided to become a Google Glass explorer accept this Thank You message from Google.

2 thoughts on “Google Glass Goes Open Beta: Anyone in the US can get a glass”

  1. This is a good move but I would have preferred that Google reduce the price. $1500 is pretty much expensive. I hope when this product eventually goes fully commercial something would be done about its price!

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    Sunday – contributor

  2. Oh! $1500, but looking at the features and it’s benefits, i think the price is still cool. The Glass is still at it’s beta stage and there is even a high tendency that more improvement and features may be added. Developers now have more time to work around the device and if possible hack it 🙂

    Thanks for this update Jane, I also read through the Glass review and it was great. Wish i can get one 🙂

    I found the link to this post on Kingged and i have also kingged it on


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