Confirm Subscription

There’s one more step before I can send you the requested information!

Thank you for subscribing to Tech Buzz Online. I appreciate your interest. There is just one more step. You need to confirm your subscription, so that I have your consent and we both are sure that your subscription is not by mistake.

Please follow these steps

Step 1. Check your inbox, there should be an email from me, Jane Sheeba.

Using the new Gmail tabs?

If you are using the new Gmail tabs, then my email will be right there in your Promotions tab. (Never mind the subject line in the illustrations below – It should be Tech Buzz Online in your case).

Just visit the Promotions tab, and drag my email to the “Primary” tab

You will get a notification in your gmail (as shown below) to do this for all future messages. Please click YES!

Step 2: Open the email and click the verification link in that email. That’s it!

If you don’t find the email in your inbox (wait for up to 10 minutes), check your spam folder.

Add jane[at]techbuzzonline[dot]com to “safe senders” list or “whitelist” so that all the valuable stuff from me doesn’t end up in your spam folder.

Once you confirm by clicking the link, you will get all the good stuff from me.

Thanks for being a subscriber to Tech Buzz Online, you’re awesome!