Submit Apps and Software for Review

Do you want your apps and software to be reviewed by our editorial team? Send us over your app details using the contact form and our editorial team will review your app, software, service or website. Do read the details presented below before submitting your review request.

Review Process

Review of the Android app/game is done by our internal team and we use real devices to install and use your app.

An app is given scores against the following criteria: Design, Features, Performance and Cost and a score out of 5 is provided. Our author will write in detail evaluating your app against these criteria and will also provide an overall summary and final verdict about the app.

Similarly a game is given scores against the following criteria: Gameplay, Graphics, Controls and Cost and a score out of 5 is given. Here too, our author will evaluate the game against these criteria and will also provide an overall summary about the game.

You can take a look at existing reviews that we have done so far to get an idea about our review method.

Estimated Time for Review

While we will try to entertain every app submitted for review, it may not be always possible and would depend on volume of submissions we are receiving. Due to our tedious process of review, it takes us 2-3 days per app to write a review.

Do note that, we charge a fixed  reviewing and publishing fee for reviewing each submission. Do contact us for more details.


Kindly use our contact form to send your app review request. Kindly make sure to include additional information about your app and any additional URLs in the message box provided at the end of form.