Protect Your Laptop: 10 Things You Need To Do

One of the main reasons why laptops outsell desktops is the portability factor. Not only are they lightweight and convenient but most laptops look incredibly sleek and stylish which adds to their appeal among consumers. However, they are also easy targets for thieves and online hackers.

Losing a laptop is a devastating experience, especially if it contains valuable documents and media files on the hard drive, without any form of backup. Therefore, you must not only know how to handle a laptop but they must focus on protecting it from being stolen. It is also recommended that the data stored on the laptop by safeguarded in an efficient manner.

Let’s see how you can protect your laptop efficiently.

Power of External Hard Drives

Your lost laptop is bound to contain some files or documents that were precious to you; may be even some important passwords. In case your laptop falls in the wrong hands, you should make sure beforehand that they do not get their hands on any confidential information.

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The best method to back up any data is to invest in a new physical external hard drive. There are plenty of options to choose from in the market but it is advisable that you buy a device that is both durable and offers some level of protection from the elements, such as waterproof and dustproof.

The cost of external HDDs depends on the size and features, and you need to pick one that fulfils your requirements. There is no need to back your computer up each time you turn it on but maintain a regular schedule. The best way to ensure that your vital documents and folders remain safe and sound is to store them somewhere else entirely instead of in portable drives and machines.

Cloud Storage

One of the recent methods for backing up files is the use of Cloud-based backup services. These offer a great deal more flexibility since you are able to gain access to them no matter where you are as long as you have a working Internet connection.

The best part is that you no longer have to plug your laptop into an external physical hard drive. Right now, you have two great options available in the form of Dropbox and Mozy. The former offers free storage space up to 2 GB which is more than enough for your recent files and documents.

You get the added benefit of auto sync when you use Dropbox. Mozy provides a more traditional form of backup service and it requires you to pay a monthly fee.

Invest in Good Tracking Software

Most individuals tend to lose hope as soon as their laptops have gone missing. However, it is not impossible to retrieve it if you had the foresight to install laptop tracking software on your machine. Rapid developments in the field of technology have led to the rise of a new category of quality laptop security software.

You can track your laptop using a combination of WiFi positioning, IP address locations and remotely hacking into the in-built webcam on your laptop. Most tracking software has a monthly or annual fee but it is a small price to pay in exchange for constant peace of mind.

Get Your Laptop Insured

There are numerous types of insurance available that provides good coverage to your laptop in case it gets lost, stolen or dropped. Get in touch with the laptop manufacturer.

The majority of companies provide additional insurance for a fee. If your laptop is used primarily for business purposes, check whether your business insurance policy covers it or not.

Never Store Passwords

It is best not to store passwords of any kind on your laptop. Refrain from using password management programs. You should also keep in mind that it is not wise to type all of your important passwords into a plain text file on your laptop. Choose a password that you are likely to remember but others will have a hard time figuring out.

In case you get your laptop stolen, you should consider precautionary measures like changing the passwords on your accounts online. You may even file a proper police report and consider signing up with an identity theft protection program, especially if you have ever used your laptop to make a financial transaction online.

Effectiveness of Physical Locks

This step may not be the most sophisticated but it works and that’s what counts. Almost every laptop manufactured in recent times remains equipped with a minor lock slot that supports laptop locks.

The mechanism of laptop locks is similar to bicycle chain locks. This is not always a fool-proof solution but it is handy if you need to leave your laptop for a short amount of time.

Physical Protection for Laptops

Protection for laptops does not always mean safeguarding against theft or loss; you also need to ensure that it does not sustain any accidental damage. Students, especially, are prone to chucking their laptops in their bags along with their house keys, writing instruments, rulers etc.

This may cause nasty scratches on the surface of your laptop. In such cases, it is better to buy a laptop case. They are available in a variety of designs and colours, each with their own feature and you can choose one that suits your budget.


It is not unusual for laptop screens to get smudged and dirty from frequent usage. You can use antiglare screen protectors to guard your screen against scratches, fingerprints and dirt. The best part is most screen guards happen to be of the stick-on variety and so, you can peel it off when it gets dirty enough, wash it and place it back again.

Update Your Software

Always remember to keep your software updated. The new update may feature elements that enhance the protection level against online hackers. You do not need to keep on updating on a regular basis but once a week should suffice.

Install Anti-virus

The best protection against viruses, spyware, malware, Trojans is an anti-virus so make sure that your laptop has one installed. No anti-virus program is 100% reliable but in most cases, it works to defend your laptop against big threats.

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