Tips to find Construction Drawing Tools and Software from Internet

Construction Drawing Tools

Construction and drawing tools on the web can be divided into two basic categories which are

  • Paid drawing  tools
  • Free drawing tools that can be downloaded to your personal computer at no cost.

The Methods for searching for both on the web are quite similar therefore the practical tips provided below will cut across searching for both categories of construction tools.

Tips to finding Paid Construction Software

  • Knowing what you’re looking for:- The First step to finding a drawing tool on the web is knowing what you’re looking for and having an idea of what type of drawings you plan to draft due to the fact that 2D and 3D diagrams are generally drafted with different sets of tools. Having a detailed idea of what drawing problem you need to solve also helps you streamline your search for drafting tools because these exact details can be used on online search engine to direct you to sites that offer exactly what you want.
  • Online Forums:- There are numerous online forums that cater to the architectural and engineering community and these forums usually have a construction drawing forum that allows its users share information on all things drawing. Therefore, you can ask questions pertaining to the suitability of a drawing tool for your project as well as for links pointing you directly to them.
  • Academic/Architectural Libraries:- Academic libraries are a great source of getting information relevant to your drawing projects and finding links to technical drawing tools is no exception therefore, registering under an architectural library online, will keep you abreast of the latest tools and techniques relevant to your field of study or design projects. Note that most online libraries accept a form of payment or registration fee before accepting users while some allow access to only students from their parent institution.
  • Signing up with CAD developing organizations:- CAD software companies such as Autodesk, Microstation, Solidworks etc. provide networking platforms that allows architects, engineers and graphic designers sign up to receive monthly news letters as well as product updates and software reviews to help users make educated choices. Signing up for news letters on these major platforms is free but most of their construction drawing tools and software fall under the paid drawing tools category.
  • Use of Search Engines:- Search engines can also be used to find drafting software as well as extensive reviews about any particular software and what it has to offer. You can use keyword search as listed above or conduct a more general search by typing in “the top 10” 2D drawing software. This search method helps you find both paid drawing tools and free drawing tools that can be downloaded to your computer.

The internet offers architects, engineers and graphics designers with numerous links to finding all kinds of construction drawing tools, dimensioning tools and 2D/3D CAD software therefore it is recommended that all professionals that use a form of drafting in their profession sign up to a CAD website or online architectural forum to receive latest news and updates pertaining to drawing tools.

Purathini is a webmaster at IndiaCADworks, the largest CAD Service Provider in India. She also indulges in writing CAD related articles such as Tips on DWG to DGN Conversion and JPG to DWG Conversion.

8 thoughts on “Tips to find Construction Drawing Tools and Software from Internet”

  1. For sure it require a bit of knowledge and good idea of how to search the web, however top applications are well known by everybody that is a bit tech savvy. I think everything is possible to be found online.

  2. Academic libraries are a great avenue to search for useful construction drawing tools. They are a storehouse of great chunk of information. With this post, you have provided the correct manner for searching such useful tools. Thanks for the share.

    • Some of the peoples are thinking that search for paid construction tools and software is one of the biggest task , Its not like that, it is easy. They should understand that everything is possible to be found online.

  3. Using architectural libraries online can prove very helpful indeed. We just made use of some of the great resources online and the results are heartening. Great post.

  4. Great tips! Well the tools could be found on internet when we just Google it but not the great tools what we can find easily by these tips. Thanks:)

  5. These are some very valuable tips, Purathini. Online world has made things really easy for us. All you need is just a bit of knowledge and a will to search.


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