The “Apple – HTC” Tug Of War

Clearly Apple is leading with certain advantages in this war. Out of the many cases filed against HTC two of them were proved and HTC has been declared guilty by ITC (International Trade Commission).

Cool stuff from Intuit – QuickBooks Mobile

Intuit – The market leader in providing business and financial solutions for small and medium enterprises by offering innovative products in business management, payroll, personal finance, tax preparation and filing. Intuit help consumers get more benefits by saving their time and providing facilities for smooth operation of their accounts with banks and other financial transactions.

Google plus kills Facebook

Mission “Kill Facebook” – In Testing Phase

Google+ which is just 3-4 weeks old (to all users) is literally ruling the web (thanks to the hype and publicity). Google+ is now causing another impact wave to target corporate users by introducing the corporate account feature. Google+ officially asked for top corporate companies to send a request for creating their corporate account.

How Apple Became The Apple Of Everybody’s Eye

Apple’s latest iPhone probably would be the biggest leap since the launch of the original iPhone four years ago. In the age of mobile internet and apps, Apple has surpassed Nokia and Blackberry, its prominent contenders in the mobile industry. With Facetime , a feature supporting video calling on the latest iPhone with the highest resolution display gives it a high standard for mobile communication. Let’s have a look at how Apple’s iPhone is setting the bar for other smartphones.

Is Facebook Challenging Google+ With Skype Video Calls?

Facebook already has 750 million users compared to 500 million last year. It goes on to show the way people want to connect and enjoy sharing between friends on the site. The amount of sharing is also an indication of how people are engaged with the site. There were also reports that the major shareholder of Facebook, Microsoft agreed to buy Skype in May allowing Facebook to grow even more closer to Microsoft.

news of the world shutdown media etiquette

Is Twitter Responsible For News Of The World’s Shutdown?

Many sources now claim that twitter is the one who has shut it (News of the World). However, the point am and many others are emphasizing currently is that it’s not twitter, who’s behind shutting of the newspaper. The one and only thing twitter corps did was they just claimed the victory of accusing and reproving of “News of the World” as their own. Well, I don’t understand what is the big deal in thinking the victory of millions of people as own?

RIM Bombs While Android And Apple Boom

While Apple has 3 million more users added to its existing 17 million users (in U.S) RIM has lost 1 million thus falling down from 19 million to 18. While Android with nearly 30 million users is in possession of the throne currently, other companies like Microsoft and Palm too have lost about 0.8 and 0.1 million users respectively.

google plus for android

Google+ Hails Android: Have You Got One?

In a week Google+ is the buzzword all over the webosphere. All the credits go to the promotions and the hype. We can neither underrate nor overrate this Google+, but one thing is obvious Google+ is will surely not join the Google flop list (Orkut, Wave, Buzz). I can hear you guys saying “enough of praising Google+”.