Will iPhone 5S Fail Against Android Smartphones? Missing Innovation?

Will iPhone 5S Fail Against Android Smartphones
Image Source: Mashable

Well there’s iPhone 5S and the colorful iPhone 5C. But is there anything remarkably new? Yes may be and may not be – when it comes to the hype and expectation of Apple phone lovers.

Apart from the fingerprint scanner, there seems to be quite a bit of disappointment left for the masses who were expecting a BIG upgrade. Now don’t get me wrong here – every version of the iPhone has proved to fascinate the Apple lovers. And if you are an Apple lover you might jump in to angrily oppose what I’m going to tell you.

OK I love the fingerprint scanner feature. It sounds all promising since it not only helps unlock the phone screen just by touching the home button, but also eliminates the trouble of having to enter the password while making purchases – yes you can simply verify your fingerprint and you can make purchases literally just with a touch.

It seems that there is only very little “innovation” when it comes to changing from the 4S to the 5S. With every upgrade we expect a cool set of features, right?

Samsung is pretty good at it. They don’t mind if the features are really useful or not, but they throw in a lot of features with every new version of their product. Even though a particular feature may not be cool to someone, it might be attractive and useful to a different group of people.

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One of the major things I notice (after reading all over the web about the iPhone 5S) is that the screen size is still smaller. I know some of you like to carry smaller phones, but how many of us use our phones only to make calls?

We want to read books and magazines, watch videos, play games, do video chatting, take pretty pictures and share it on social media, do brief office work while commuting and so on. So we DO need a bigger screen size, right?

No I am not expecting a Tablet sized screen, but compared to the Droid models (especially the ones by Samsung) I’d expect the iPhone 5S to get bigger by at least an inch.

Plus the 5S stays old school with just the 64 GB storage while the Samsung phones allow expandable memory (virtually unlimited – just kidding).

You should have guessed by now that I am a Samsung lover – yes I am (I currently own the Galaxy Grand and the Samsung Tab 2). But I have used and also am using Apple products in my life (a Macbook Air, and iPad Mini). I’ve also put my hands on the 4S – so I know what to expect from Apple.

In this context iPhone 5S seems to be quite a disappointment. Even though the bigger camera seems to be a “feature”, it is not innovative (remember, we are talking Apple) compared to the other phones in the market.

OK may be the newbies who don’t own a 4S might be excited to buy the iPhone 5S. But those who already own a 4S shouldn’t bother upgrading to the 5S since there’s not much “innovation” yet. May be they should wait.

Feel free to agree or disagree with me in the comments (I know there are many Apple lovers out there and there are many Droid lovers as well!).

1 thought on “Will iPhone 5S Fail Against Android Smartphones? Missing Innovation?”

  1. Yes, I also agree with you that Apple has not made more changes in respect to physical appearance and internal storage of iPhone 5’s but we should also consider new features of iOS 7, which has recently been introduced. They will also be carried by iPhone 5S smartphone.

    You can check out bulk of newly introduced iOS7 features by Apple in the operating system section of my website.


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